The Seven Best PS1 Intros

Best PS1 Intros - opening cinematics - ps1 - playstation.jpg

Nostalgia is a powerful thing. The Playstation 1 was home to a plethora of iconic games. Let’s take a trip down Nostalgia lane to witness some of the best intros.

Seven Best PS1 Intros

Gamer’s Thoughts is a portal to articles I write for a website called Now Loading.


and game on.

Fire Emblem Heroes – Everything You Need To Know



Fire Emblem Heroes is the first phone game that I care about. Nintendo has done something right here, all my thoughts are linked below.

Fire Emblem Heroes

Gamer’s Thoughts is a portal to articles I write for a website called Now Loading.


and game on.

Diving Into Gravity Rush 2 – Pt.2



Twelve hours in, I have a wrap up on how Gravity Rush 2 feels compared to its predecessor and if the new elements enhance the experience.

Gravity Rush 2 – Pt 2

Gamer’s Thoughts is a portal to articles I write for a website called Now Loading.


and game on.

3 Images That Tell An Exciting Story About The Nintendo Switch

Tomorrow, we find out more about Nintendo’s new console. I wrote an article about the three things I’m most excited about from the Nintendo Switch’s debut trailer. I’m excited to get a further look at the new console.

Nintendo Switch Article

Gamer’s Thoughts is a portal to articles I write for a website called Now Loading.

Death By Motivation


Come take a gander at an editorial I wrote on the subject matter of death in games. How it’s done correctly or done uninspired, either way, it can be fantastic story hook.

Death By Motivation

Gamer’s Thoughts is a portal to articles I write for a website called Now Loading.